From last week’s post: “The reason the lesson hurts is because of trust. “I trusted you and look at what that’s done for me!” This is where the relationship is tested. Just like in human relationships, you are at a crossroad. How do you go forward? You have trusted them up to this point, but look at this mess you are in. Do you walk away or do you hold on a bit longer? This is where the second area of this lesson comes into play. This is where you ask, “What’s your motive anyway? Why are you doing this?” These are fair questions to ask. Although I cannot speak as to how another person may answer those questions, I can give an answer on how the Father will answer them.”

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah reveals that the thoughts and ways of God are not the same as that of humans. In his teachings Jesus tells us that mankind thinks in the here and now while he thinks in the eternal realm. This is huge in understanding why some lessons hurt to learn. In the previous post I briefly mentioned some of the people in the bible who had to wait years before seeing with their own eyes the promise that their God had promised them. There are a few places in scripture that gives us some insight into eternity. I do not believe there is any way mankind can wrap his or her brain around that concept, but to help us along the way, I believe the Father has given us some tools. It is the apostle Peter who mentions that a day with the Lord is equal to 1,000 years. This means that—in theory—one hour in eternity would equal about 42-years on earth, (24 divided into 1000=41.666). If this is true then each of the biblical examples given mean that only a few minutes past before the Father acted. How does that help me? It still hurts? The answer would take far too long to delve into in one post. You will find a fuller explanation in the web site once it is up and running. However the time frame speaks to the trust issue because once you understand that the Father is working from a different clock than ours it should help you understand that he is working from a different perspective. Even though that in itself doesn’t help the hurting it can help you realize that he hasn’t left you high and dry. It hurts because in the confines of time years have gone by; which give the appearance that he doesn’t care. The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah reveals to us that God has hope-filled plans for a future for us. The Old Testament book of Wisdom tells us not to shy away from the Father’s correction, for it is done to mature us. The New Testament tells us that God so loved that he gave his only son. All of this points to the Father’s motivation for doing the things he does in our lives. This means that if you trust him then you will hold on until he shows up. Here are two ways to grow that trust. The first is to read the stories in the bible about the people mentioned earlier and see that God showed up in their situations—yes it took time. This enables you to dare to trust him in some small things. This leads to the second way to grow that trust. Once you see that he is trustworthy it allows you to build a deeper relationship with him. This takes you into a deeper trust of him; which leads to bigger issues to trust him in. At any point in the process you are allowed to say no—like the followers of Jesus mentioned earlier. If you choose to say no, the relationship stops there. If you choose to say yes, the relationship continues to grow—meaning the trust also grows. This may help you understand what is going on, but it still hurts. This is the third area to learn. It isn’t a sacrifice—or is it?