From last week’s post. “I am sharing this because of feelings that I have regarding the upcoming Father’s Day. My newfound position requires that I wear business attire. I have no problem with that since I have a closet full of suits and sport-coats. However I am in need of dress shirts and belts. I have talked with my wife about the children getting me some of these things for Father’s Day rather than just going out to buy them. It makes sense to do that, but I can’t help but feel some guilt in not being able to get my wife something store-bought. The issue isn’t that she feels resentment for not getting something. The issue is my own feelings of inadequacy concerning the family provisions. This presents three issues—as I see it—that must be discussed; feelings of inadequacy, lack of provisions and spousal relationships. For me this is what being the church is about; having open honest dialogue in a meaningful way that helps people grow. This is what the website that I am working on is dedicated to. I trust to have it live in a few weeks.”

The next issue is that of store bought verses homemade. By this I mean being consumed with getting possessions as opposed to enjoying the simple things in life. There is nothing wrong with having possessions—as long as they don’t have you. The proper mindset is at issue here. If your self-worth is wrapped up in “what” you have rather than “whose” you are, then a challenge is present that must be overcome. In the course of the past two-years, I have experienced both being on top of the mountain as well as in the depths of the valley. It is not a journey that one would look forward to taking. However when the journey is God-inspired, there is a dimension of excitement along with trust that accompanies you. These companions are there to help you enjoy the simple things rather than languish over not having the possessions—or store bought things as I have called them. This is increasingly challenging in the materialistic world we live in. In fact I believe that victory in this area is only available when these two companions—excitement and trust—are present. This brings up another issue that can only be mentioned here because of the intense nature of the matter. Through the years I have heard a lot of doctrinal opinions—even expressed a few of my own—about the “blessing” of the Lord. It begins in the Bible way back in the book of beginnings in Genesis when Jehovah declares to Abram—later to become Abraham—that he will “bless” him and make a great nation out of him. There are many implications surrounding the meaning of that blessing, but in its simplicity God was telling his servant that he would be honored and respected by any and everyone in Abram’s world. I have noticed that with growing acceptance across denominational lines that “blessing” has become synonymous with store-bought possessions. In the past few years I have come to understand that this mindset is a carnal one rather than a righteous one. Consider this; Jesus is a king. However while on this earth he lived a simple life. Once he left this earth—where he experienced “blessing”—be returned to his kingly position. Here is the point to this line of thinking. What if the “blessing” the Bible speaks about is wrapped up in eternity? What if every time we thought the “blessing” we received here on earth fell short of the promise we thought we were supposed to receive is one day fully realized in heaven? What an awesome reward that would be. Happy Father’s day.