The apostle Peter makes some interesting statements in his writings in the New Testament. I like Peter. He puts it out there. He is straight and to the point. Peter is the kind of person that lets you know where you stand with him. Peter is equally human—fully human. Out of fear he denies the Lord three times; but then wails like a baby with remorse for doing so. What a guy. One of the statements Peter makes deals with time and eternity. He says that a day with the Lord is like one thousand years. I find this interesting in light of a being a dead-man. I hear of church folks asking other church folks to describe their five-year plan. They will ask for a description of what you would be doing a year from now. Think about this. If there is any merit to what the apostle Peter has stated about a day in eternity being equal to 1,000 years on planet earth, then some interesting facts present themselves for consideration. For example 24 hours divided into 1000 (years) equal 41.666 (years). This means—in theory—that one hour in heaven would be equal to nearly 42-years on planet earth. This means that one eternal hour would equal nearly seven earth years. This means that your earthly five-year plan would last you about seven-minutes in eternity. It also means that your five-year plan in eternity would last you a mere 5,040 years on earth! How’s that for a plan? Here is the point to this. If eternity is important (and where we will send forever), does it make a lot of sense to focus so much on temporary plans here on earth? If I am not my own, what plans do I make? If I am crucified with Christ, how does a dead man/woman plan anything? If the Father’s thoughts, ways, and plans are higher than mine, whose plans do I seek to fulfill?

Is planning important? Of course, but the question is whose plan? If I am an heir of the kingdom because of my commitment to follow the king of the kingdom, wouldn’t it make sense to follow his plan? Wouldn’t I be better served finding out what His plan is and finding out where I fit into it rather than planning my five-year plan? Relationship means drawing close. That may sound like a quantum leap from planning, but consider what is at stake. If I have a five-year plan it should be to get as close to the godhead as I can. It means finding out what those in the bible who are called a friend of God did and following their model as closely as possible. In making that my plan, I will be building a close personal relationship with the Father. Here is the cool thing about that. Whether it is a 15-minute (earthly five-year plan) or an eternal 5,040 (earth year) eternal plan, I am getting closer to my God. It is just something to think about.