Happy New Year


My tradition, for as long as I can remember, has been to set some time apart to listen to the Lord regarding the New Year. I do not allow any outside distractions—news, or views from anyone—to influence me as I wait, and listen for the voice of God the Holy Spirit. Over the years, I have learned to take comfort in what I believe the Lord is speaking to me.


This year is excitingly scary.


I believe that 2021 will be a tumultuous year; being defined as turmoil. It seems that confusion will abound as the status quo slowly—at first—beings to fade away. Lies and deception will be the order of the day as governments take more and more control and small businesses buckle under the oppression.


It isn’t a pretty picture unless you are a Christ-follower. Notice I said Christ-follower and not Christian. I believe the time has passed for those who wear the label without the evidence to back it up.


For the Christ-follower, those whose heart cry is, “Draw me close to you Lord,” the time will be like the children of Israel in the time of their great deliverance from Egyptian bondage and slavery. In the Old Testament book of Exodus God told Moses that he would put a distinction between the Children of Israel and the people of Egypt. While the plagues pummelled the Egyptians, the Children of Israel would be spared any repercussion from that plague.


“But the LORD will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and that of Egypt so that no animal belonging to the Israelites will die. ” Exodus 9:4


The Children of Israel were spared many of the plagues but did experience some of them. This is important to understand because 2021 will not be a time of heaven-on-earth, where nothing challenging will come to the Christ-follower. As long as humans live and breathe on this earth, everyone will face challenges, Christ-followers are no exception. The difference will be the protection of God watching over his loyally committed ones—just as he did for the Children of Israel.


This is why I am saying it will be an excitingly scary year. For some, faith will be tested; but stay true because He will honor his word, and watch over it concerning you.


For others, it will be a struggle as life as you have known it changes right in front of your eyes, but stay true because He will take care of everything you have need of. In fact, the Bible says that his generosity will exceed even yours in the glory that is revealed in God the Son, Jesus.


For others, it will be a time to encourage the saints by pointing them to the Word of God and sharing with them your testimony. He is faithful.


It is my hope that I have completely missed the mark and none of these things happen. However, as I write this, there is a great calm within my spirit that I am conveying the truth.


If this proves to be wrong, I will be the first to repent. If on the other hand, it proves to be correct, suit up for battle because the adversary the Devil knows his time is almost up, and will not hesitate to come after the Christ-followers.


So, as Jesus tells us, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” In another place, when being tested by the devil, he followed the temptation by quoting the word of God.


We really cannot lose for winning! Happy New Year.