Photo by florian-giorgio-Unsplash


Usually, the approximately 90-mile trip would take about five days. The roads were easy enough to travel without any steep climbs or descents.


However, this would not be an ordinary journey. Mary could deliver the baby any day, and Joseph had to pack, anticipating that she would. The cooler weather meant extra blankets would be needed to warn at night.


Since the taxation was kingdom-wide, Joseph expected to encounter other travelers.


He thought they could be helpful if Mary went into labor.


The trip was slow because Mary needed to take frequent breaks. The baby pressing on her bladder meant Joseph had to be patient with his wife as they journeyed.


Other travelers visited with them as they journeyed before pressing on. They talked about how unrighteous it was for such a greedy ruler to treat his subject this way. The ladies surrounded Mary, offering whatever comfort they could.


Soon, they would pick up the pace, leaving the couple behind.


Joseph would camp with other travelers whenever he could, but it was not always possible because of their slow pace.


Finally, after six long days, they saw Bethlehem. The sun was setting, and darkness began overtaking the town when they arrived.


After ensuring Mary was comfortable, Joseph headed into the hostel to speak with the innkeeper.




The thing about the journey is that it was mundane because the journey was not the focal point.


The focal point was the destiny at the destination.


The destination was Bethlehem because God prophesied it to be that way. But the destination was not the destiny. The destiny was the birth of the Christ-child in Bethlehem.


The Bible does not clarify how much of this Joseph or Mary understood. It does say that Mary kept these things close to her heart as she pondered them.



Consider this lesson.



Mary had to be impregnated precisely to be that far along when the summons was given.


She had to be in Bethlehem precisely for the Christ-child to be born.


The wise men had to study the law books precisely to see the correlation of the child’s birth.


They had to understand the stars to see the astrological sign that put them on their journey.

The importance of their journey was to provide the necessary funds (gold, silver, and frankincense) for the next leg of Jesus’s journey—another step required to fulfill Biblical prophecy.


After the birth of the Christ-child, why didn’t Joseph return to Nazareth?


Joseph and his family had to stay in Bethlehem because a prophecy had to be fulfilled.


When the wise men inquired in Jerusalem about the newly born king of the Jews, the scribes told Herod of the Old Testament prophecy.


But you, Bethlehem, David’s country, the runt of the litter

From you will come the leader who will shepherd-rule Israel.

He’ll be no upstart, no pretender. His family tree is ancient and distinguished.

Micah 5:2—The Message

The wise men go to Bethlehem, find the Christ-child, present the gifts, and leave.

Meanwhile, Herod orders the slaughter of every baby age two and under in the Judah region of Bethlehem, and another prophecy is fulfilled.

Again, God’s Message: “Listen to this! Laments coming out of Ramah, wild and bitter weeping.

It’s Rachel weeping for her children, Rachel refusing all solace. Her children are gone,

gone – long gone into exile.”

Jeremiah 31:15—The Message

Each of these events happened according to God’s plan for Christ.


This story describes your story. God has not changed.


He works in your life like in Joseph’s and Mary’s lives. The movements of their lives took care of Jesus.


The decisions they made, the places they went, and the external forces that moved them to go where they did not want to go. All of these were because of the hand of God moving to take care of his only begotten son.



In like manner, God is working in your life, moving, adjusting, and positioning you so that your life will take care of Jesus in a way that is uniquely yours.


This is the beauty of a close personal relationship with the Godhead.

As you walk with him and say yes to his promptings, he will direct your life uniquely so that he will take care of Jesus.


The result will be your life is wonderfully complete, and Christ is gloriously made known.



Next week will be the exciting conclusion to our story.